Yes Ads, Really Profitable Marketing Ads | Jesse Grillo
Yes ads

Dear Friend,

I wanted to share with you a template for creating really profitable ads.

They’re called Yes Ads.

They’re a series of statements addressing your customers strongest pain points that your customer will 100% agree and relate with.

You want your customer to nod their head in agreement as they read your ad. “Yes! This is exactly right”

Creating a rhythm.

Then when they get to your call to action, they continue that rhythm. “Yes! I want this product”

If you were marketing a sleep aid then the ad might read like this…

Not being able to sleep is just the worst.

As soon as your head hits the pillow, your mind starts racing.

You stare at the clock, growing more frustrated as the minutes tick away.

Sleep is important – and Deep Sleep knows that more than anyone.

Click Shop Now and meet the perfect addition to your bedtime routine.

That’s 4 pain point statements followed by a call to action.

Here’s one in the first person…

Sleep had become a foreigner to me.

I opened my eyes, and it was like I’d just closed them.

My whole body aching, eyes burning, head heavy as lead.

My mind would race every night, and I would struggle to calm it down.

I tried everything to help me get a good night’s sleep.

I finally listened to a friend who tried Deep Sleep, and WOW what a difference it made in my nighttime routine

Click Learn More and Discover for yourself how Deep Sleep delivers the sleep you deserve.

People want to buy from people who are like them.

The more you can make these statements while addressing their deepest pain point needs, the more they’ll relate with your ad and become more likely to purchase.

In persuasion and psychology, this is called mirroring and leading.

Take a look at what you’re selling and come up with a list of these statements. Yes Ads can be used for any type of product or service.

Keep them on hand for any future marketing campaigns and A/B test them along your other ads. ( They’ll do very well )

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