Get the reader to read the first sentence.
The first sentence is to get potential customers to read the second sentence and that the sole purpose of the second sentence is to get them to read the third and then the fourth-all while you are building a selling environment for the sale of your product.
Ideally, as your reader starts reading your copy, you get the reader to start nodding in agreement with everything you say. (yeses)
So now the reader is reading your first few sentences, is feeling comfortable in the environment you have created and is nodding in agreement.
Every element in an advertisement must cause a sliding slide effect. The headline must be so powerful and compelling you must read the subheadline, and the subheadline must be so powerful that you are compelled to read the first sentence, and the first sentence must be so easy to read and so compelling that you must read the next sentence and so on, straight through the entire ad copy to the end.
Creating the sliding slide effect is not that difficult once the reader is well into your copy. If a reader reads over 25% of your ad, there is a great probability that he or she will read the entire ad. So once you've grabbed your reader at the start of your ad with your perfect environment and once they're reading your compelling first sentence, you've got them started down the slide.
Your readers should be so compelled to read your ad copy that they cannot stop reading until they read all of it as if sliding down a slide covered in baby oil.
Make it extra slippery by…
Laying out a smooth choice architecture.
Leading the Reader.
Flowing in a Logical Sequence.
Planting curiosity seeds.
Using simplicity.
Removing friction.
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