Questions Presupposing Benefits – Jesse Grillo

Questions Presupposing Benefits

Questions Presupposing Benefits
Read the following question...


"Why is intermittent fasting such a powerful fat burning method?"


Forget, for a second, whether you know what intermittent fasting is or not. Or care about weight loss.


Imagine, though, you were selling a book about it.


Somewhere in your marketing you'd want to cover the benefits of intermittent fasting, right?



There are two ways you can present those benefits:

With statements explicitly sharing the benefits.


"Intermittent fasting is such a powerful fat burning method."

With questions presupposing the benefits.


"Why is intermittent fasting such a powerful fat burning method?"


Explicit benefit statements are viewed by your potential customers as marketing claims. Something they'd expect from someone trying to sell them.


Explicit benefit statements elicit sales resistance in the mind of your potential customers.


Questions presupposing benefits never trigger any sales resistance or doubt or skepticism in the mind of your prospect.


Instead, it forces your potential customer to accept your benefit claim as true while they contemplate the answer to the question you've posed.



"Why is intermittent fasting such a powerful fat burning method?"


Think about a possible answer to the question. Why is it such a powerful fat burning method?


For you to even think about a possible answer, you, first, must accept that intermittent fasting IS a powerful fat burning method.


You can't contemplate WHY it is a powerful fat burning method until you first agree it IS a powerful fat burning method.

That agreement happens automatically. And immediately.


By presenting a benefit in the form of a question, your potential customers are forced to immediately accept the benefit as true in order to think about the answer to the question.


"How does Marketing Mastery work to generate so many new customers, so quickly?"


You have to accept that Marketing Mastery works to generate so many new customers, so quickly, to even think about the question of how it does it.


"Why do so many top entrepreneurs endorse Marketing Mastery?"


You have to accept that so many top entrepreneurs endorse Marketing Mastery in order to contemplate why.


Questions presupposing the benefits drives your potential customers to see, believe, and accept the benefits of your product... without any resistance or skepticism or doubt.


If all you did was state these same benefits explicitly as statements...


"Intermittent fasting is such a powerful fat burning method."


"Marketing Mastery works to generate so many new customers, so quickly."


"So many top entrepreneurs endorse Marketing Mastery."'d immediately trigger a wave of sales resistance.


And you immediately depress your sales.


Instead, to see greater sales...


Start using this simple conversion trigger - questions presupposing benefits.

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