Follow Up – Jesse Grillo
Follow Up
When you invest in marketing, you're not just paying for the customers you get. You are paying for each lead you generate, every call, every walk-in, every email, every reaction and response of any kind.

You need to make sure to follow up with every lead, aggressively, on multiple marketing channels. (Omnipresence)

These channels can be…




Physical mail

Online retargeting

Just few ways you can follow up:

Restate, ReSell, and Extend the Same Offer- present what they didn't do or buy again in the best way possible.

Present the offer again, reemphasizing an approaching deadline.

"Third and Final Notice"-Tie this communication to the deadline and the disappearance of the offer.

Change the Offer- Sometimes you can change the offer easily, by offering new or extended installment payment terms, by swapping out a bonus for something different, etc.

If they don’t convert into a customer, find out why. Remember to collect all possible data, even if you think you’ll never use it.

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