First Sentences – Jesse Grillo
First Sentences
All the elements in an advertisement are primarily designed to do one thing: get you to read the first sentence.


Make the first sentence so easy to read that your reader is almost compelled to read it.


Make the first sentence in your ad so short they almost aren't sentences.



Some typical ones might be…

Losing weight is not easy.
It's you against a phone.
It's easy.
It had to happen.
Hats off to Dell.



Make each sentence is so short and easy to read that your reader starts to read your ad copy almost as if being sucked into it.


Your first sentence should be very compelling by virtue of its short length and ease of reading. No long multi-syllable words. Keep it short, sweet and almost incomplete so that the reader has to read
the next sentence.


The purpose of the first sentence is to get you to read the second sentence. Nothing more, nothing less.

The purpose of the second sentence is to get you to read the third sentence.


The second sentence is almost as important as the first. You've got to maintain interest, so you must create another sentence with a compelling reason to cause your reader to want to continue.

The only purpose of those first sentences in an advertisement is to get you to read the following sentences.

Your sole purpose at the beginning of an ad is to hold that reader's attention at almost any cost.


If your reader is not riveted to every word you write in the first few sentences, then your chances of having that reader get to the real sales pitch are very remote.


You must continue this momentum throughout the first and second paragraphs. Put aside any facts, benefits or product features. Your only goal is to get the momentum going and create that buying environment.

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