Lesson Page Template – Jesse Grillo

Welcome to XXX Marketing Mastery

Email marketing questions to [email protected] and they'll be answered via video as soon as possible.

Watch First

Just a few quick things to cover before we get into it.

Mental Models

Not only do marketing mental models shape what we think about marketing and how we understand our marketing goals, but they shape the connections and opportunities that we see.

Smoke and Mirrors

Take the red pills, unplug from the marketing matrix and help in the battle again fluffery.

Customer Demographics

Learn everything you can about your customer base in an almost creepy way.


Collect and catalog marketing ideas like an absolute boss.

Affiliate Marketing

Oversee an army of marketers to do your bidding and grow your customer base.


Build your brand while increasing profits.

CBD Ad Approval

Get your CBD ads approved and keep them running on Facebook or Google ads.

Direct Mail Marketing

Send physical mail to your customers while growing physical profits in your bank account.

Email Marketing

Optimize this top revenue driver for your business.

Facebook Advertising

Get actual, profitable results. Not likes and follows from robots.

Google Advertising

Kill bot traffic and put more sales ( and savings ) in your piggy bank.

Monetize Current Customers

Drive additional sales and grow your customers with your current customer base.


Be everywhere your customer is.

Pain Points

Finding the core, specific problem of your customer base so you can offer the perfect solution.

Search Engine Optimization

For maybe the first time ever, an SEO strategy explained in an easy to understand way.

Sponsored Content

Make the news and get people writing about you.

Press Releases

Announce something newsworthy and sell more products.

Small Business Marketing

A little creativity can more than make up for a small budget.

B2B Swiping

Collect and catalog the best business to business marketing ideas like an absolute boss.

B2B Direct Mail

Obtaining business data and running business to business direct mail marketing campaigns.

B2B Google Ads

Run the most targeted online ads in the world using B2B data and Google.

YouTube Ads

Video ads focused on driving sales.

Video Structure

Create videos that get the viewer to take action and buy.

Yes Ads

Create statements that will make the person reading them say YES! to buying.

Dedicated to your success?

Get lifetime access to the best marketing material on the planet.

Duplicate money and thrive in any industry you're in.


This is good stuff.

You should try it.

Marketing Mastery

Lifetime Marketing Success
