CBD Twitter Marketing Mastery | Jesse Grillo

Customer List Audiences is a feature Facebook and Google ads offer but won’t give you access until you have first spent a lot of money running ads.

In fact, Google won’t even give you access until you’ve spent $50,000 on Google advertising.

That's because using Customer List Audiences will have one of the most dramatic effects on your marketing efforts and will skyrocket your profits.

They allow you to upload a list of emails, phone numbers or other information and target just the people in that list with ads.

This lets you laser target your current customers, subscribers PLUS new potential customers with ads.

And here’s the really mind blowing part…

You can use them within Twitter Ads. Right Now.

You don’t have to spend a lot of money to gain access.

You can create and use customer list audiences and start showing your ads right away.

And I can do all the work for you…

- I’ll create your Twitter marketing campaign that’s focused on driving sales. It will be created right in your Twitter ads account and you'll have complete ownership of all my work.

- You’ll get Customer List Audiences for your current customers and mailing list subscribers. [ or I’ll show you how to do it yourself if you don’t want to share that information ]

- Plus you’ll gain lifetime access to CBD Twitter Marketing Mastery. An online knowledge platform showing you everything you need to make a ton of money with Twitter ads. You’ll be able to contact me anytime with Twitter marketing questions and I’ll answer them via video.

What People Are Saying About CBD Twitter Marketing Mastery

"After getting our ads shut down on Facebook and Google multiple times, we were able to run profitable Twitter ads thanks to the information in this course.

Chris B.
- CBD Business Owner

“CBD Twitter Marketing Mastery paid for itself within the first 48 hours of our ads going live and has continued to deliver great results!"

Hanna M.
- CBD Affiliate Marketer

“Jesse did all the work and got my Twitter campaign running fast"

Callie K.
- CBD Marketing Manager

But wait, there’s more…

You’ll also get a Customer List Audience of 10,000 Twitter users that have previously purchased CBD products.

These users are from our inhouse database of CBD customers and have been purchased directly from the top CBD brands.

This Customer List Audience is yours to keep. You can show them ads anytime you want to drive more sales.

Here’s everything you’re getting…

  • A profit driven Twitter marketing campaign targeting your current customers and subscribers.
  • A Customer List Audience of 10,000 Twitter users that have previously purchased CBD products.
  • Lifetime access to CBD Twitter Marketing Mastery. Giving you access to the best Twitter marketing knowledge on the planet.

But this is a very limited time offer so you have to claim your spot now before I am all booked up.

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